Alfred Glauser

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Alfred Glauser (born February 24, 1913 in Saint-Imier ; † March 9, 2003 in Saint-Cannat ) was an American Romance scholar and literary scholar of Swiss origin.


Glauser studied in Bern and Geneva until 1935. He taught in Switzerland from 1936 to 1938 and then went to Winnipeg , Canada, where he taught French, Latin and German at the Ravenscourt private school. During the World War he resumed his studies at the University of Winnipeg and wrote a novel about his experiences in the Canadian west. After his doctorate (PhD) he went to the United States and taught from 1946 to 1983 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison , from 1981 as Pickard-Bascom Professor of French.


  • Le vent se lève. Roman, Montreal 1941
  • La ville qui parle. Pieces courtes pour groupes de 10 à 25 acteurs, Toronto 1946
  • Albert Thibaudet et la critique créatrice, Paris 1952
  • Hugo et la poésie pure, Geneva 957
  • Rabelais créateur, Paris 1964, 1966, 1969
  • Le Poème-symbols de Scève à Valéry. Essai, Paris 1967
  • Montaigne paradoxal, Paris 1972
  • Le Faux Rabelais or De l'Inauthenticité du "Cinquième livre", Paris 1975
  • La poétique de Hugo, Paris 1978
  • Fonctions du nombre chez Rabelais, Paris 1982
  • Écriture et désécriture du texte poétique de Maurice Scève à Saint-John Perse, Saint-Genouph 2002


  • Études sur le XVIe siècle pour Alfred Glauser, ed. by Floyd Gray and Marcel Tetel , Paris 1979
  • Dictionnaire des artistes et des auteurs francophones de l'Ouest canadien, ed. by Gamila Morcos, Québec 1998, pp. 128-129

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