Alfred Kuttenkeuler

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Grave of the Kuttenkeuler family

Alfred Kuttenkeuler (born December 28, 1870 in Cologne-Deutz , † March 14, 1949 in Cologne-Lindenthal ) was a German lawyer and politician.

Kuttenkeuler was president of the regional court and then of the higher regional court of Cologne and later mayor of the Herchen community .

After the SA and SS stormed the justice building on Reichensperger Platz on March 31, 1933 and transported all Jewish or “Jewish-looking” lawyers on a municipal garbage truck to the police headquarters - Kuttenkeuler described this as the worst tragedy of his life - he went on leave in March 1933, as instructed five Jewish judges of the OLG, but then retired early.

Kuttenkeuler was not married and last lived in Cologne-Braunsfeld . He died at the age of 78 in a Cologne hospital. He was buried in the family grave in the Melaten cemetery (hall 59).


Individual evidence

  1. a b Death certificate no. 1064 from March 15, 1949, registry office Cologne I. In: LAV NRW R civil status register. Retrieved June 16, 2018 .
  2. ^ Carl Dietmar: Followers became accomplices in Kölner Stadtanzeiger of March 7, 2013, p. 30