Alida Hisku

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Alida Hisku (born June 20, 1956 in Tirana ) is an Albanian singer who lives in Germany.


As the daughter of an opera singer named Fiqreti, she began singing at a young age, as did her older sister and younger brother. As a child, Alida Hisku won several singing competitions. At the age of 13 she first took part in the Festivali i Këngës , the most important music festival in the country. She took second place, which made her known across the country. In 1974 and 1975 Alida Hisku won the Festivali i Këngës with the songs Vajzat e fshatit tim and Buka e duarve tona . In total, she took part in the Festivali i Këngës ten times and, in addition to the two victories, achieved second place five times. She completed the rehearsals, appearances and recordings during her school education and work in a printing company. Again and again she was able to take part in tours through various European countries.

In 1982, Hisku was arrested by the Sigurimi and convicted in a show trial of "agitation and propaganda against the government" because she had recorded critical thoughts about the poor conditions in Albania in her diary. As a result, she was no longer allowed to work and no longer perform. She then divorced her husband and was able to obtain custody of the two sons with great difficulty. In 1990 she fled to Germany with her two children, where she applied for asylum .

In Germany she married an optician and gave birth to a daughter. In 2005 she appeared again in Albania for the first time in 25 years: she sang a few songs in a show on an Albanian television station and was voted the best singer of the 1970s. The following year she recorded the CD Kthimi . In 2009 she published her autobiography under the title The Dictator's Jester - Abused by Propaganda, Loved by the Public, Banned by the Powerful .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Alida Hisku, Annette Piechutta : The dictator's court jester . Parzellers, Fulda 2009, ISBN 978-3-7900-0414-4 .
  2. a b Shpetim Zinxhiria: Alida Hisku: Muzika eshte kuptuar si nje mjet biznesi… In: Tirana Observer. December 22, 2009, accessed on January 20, 2016 (Albanian, reproduced on
  3. a b c Blerina Goce: Intervista / Alida Hisku rrëfen historinë e jetës së saj - “Ditari që më largoi nga skena”. (pdf, 118 kB) In: Tirana Observer. March 25, 2005, archived from the original on July 9, 2007 ; Retrieved April 27, 2018 (Albanian).
  4. Mereme Llubani: Këngëtarja Alida Hisku i rikthehet këngës e skenës pas 2 dekadash. Muzika Shqiptare on, accessed February 22, 2010 (Albanian).