Allied High Commissioners in Constantinople

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The Allied High Commissioners in Constantinople Opel ( English Allied High Commissioners at Constantinople ) were after the First World War , of 30 October 1918 to the August 10, 1920 ( Occupation of Constantinople ), the highest governmental authority of the occupied zone around the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus , headquartered in Istanbul .

Their legal basis was the Mudros armistice . The Paris Peace Conference in 1919 decided on the designation Allied High Commissioners ( Turkish İstanbul'daki Yüksek Komiserler ).

Allied High Commissioners

France ( Turkish İstanbul'daki Fransız Yüksek Komiserleri ):

Italy ( Italian Alto commissario ) ( Turkish İstanbul'daki İtalyan Yüksek Komiserleri ):

United Kingdom ( Turkish İstanbul'daki İngiliz Yüksek Komiserleri ):

United States of America ( Turkish İstanbul'daki American Yüksek Komiserleri ):

  • November 30, 1918-3. May 1919: Lewis Heck
  • May 3, 1919: Gabriel Bie Ravndal (* 1865 in Norway; † 1950)
  • August 12, 1919-10. August 1920: Mark Lambert Bristol (* 1868; † 1939)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bilge Criss, Istanbul Under Allied Occupation, 1918-1923 , p. 60
  2. ^ Carlo Sforza , Contemporary Italy Its Intellectual And Moral Origins , 1944, p. 242