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Alpenkurhaus Silum - the home of the Bruderhöfer during the Liechtenstein years

The Almbruderschaft (also: Almbruderhöfer) existed a short time before the Second World War as a settlement of Bruderhöfer on Silum ( Triesenberg ) in the Principality of Liechtenstein .


The Almbruderschaft was founded by the brother farms who had been driven out by the Hitler regime . They had leased the Kurhaus, which was built from 1914 to 1919 by Franz Xaver Beck, landlord of the Gasthof Schäfle, from Triesner and opened in 1920, in the 1930s and founded the Almbruderhof there in 1934 and rented other houses for around 100 people. They cultivated the land and worked as artisans . At the national exhibition in 1934 their products, z. B. turned bowls, boxes, candlesticks made of walnut and cherry wood, exhibited.

The presence and activity of the Almbruderschaft in Liechtenstein gave rise to many discussions and letters to the editor in the population and was judged very negatively in some cases, with the state authorities exercising restraint and neutrality.

These Bruderhöfer emigrated after a few years, the last in March 1938, from Liechtenstein via Great Britain and shortly after the outbreak of war in 1939 to Paraguay and from there to the USA in the early 1960s .


  • Markus Baum: stumbling block. Eberhard Arnold 1883 - 1935 , Brendow Verlag Moers 1996, ISBN 3-87067-657-4 .
  • Ulrich Eggers: Community for life. German Hutterers in the USA , R. Brockhaus Verlag Wuppertal 1992, ISBN 3-417-20395-3 .
  • J. Heinrich Arnold: Life in the Succession , Brendow Verlag Moers 1996, ISBN 3-87067-650-7 .
  • Emmy Arnold: Against the Current. Das Werden der Bruderhöfe , Brendow Verlag Moers 1983, ISBN 3-929412-09-8 , revised new edition as an e-book v. 2009 as a PDF document (approx. 889 kB) .
  • Bob and Shirley Wagoner: Community in Paraguay: A Visit to the Bruderhof , The Plow Publishing House, The Hutterian Brethren Service Committee, Inc. Rifton (NY) 1991, ISBN 0-87486-033-4 .
  • Elizabeth Bohlken-Zumpe: Torches Extinguished: Memories of a Communal Bruderhof Childhood in Paraguay, Europe and the USA , Carrier Pigeon Press 1993, ISBN 1-882260-01-5 .
  • Benjamin Zablocki: The joyful community. An account of the Bruderhof - a communal movement in its third generation. , University of Chicago Press 1980, ISBN 0-226-97749-8 .
  • Julius H. Rubin: "The Other Side of Joy: Religious Melancholy Among The Bruderhof", Oxford: Oxford University Press, New York 2000.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Today: "Hotel-Restaurant Alpen-Kurhaus-Silum".
  2. Christoph Möhl, "The Lords of Liechtenstein and the Anabaptists in Moravia", p. 168 [1] .
  3. ^ A b Josef Eberle, "Certificate confirms purchase 400 years ago", p. 40 [2] .
  4. Example: Liechtenstein Homeland Service of October 5, 1935, pp. 2 and 5 [3] .
  5. ^ "Farewell greetings from the Almbruderhöfer" in the Liechtenstein fatherland on March 12, 1938 [4] .