Liechtenstein fatherland

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Liechtenstein fatherland
Liechtenstein fatherland
description Liechtenstein daily newspaper
publishing company Vaduzer Medienhaus AG
First edition January 1, 1936
Frequency of publication Monday to Saturday
Sold edition 8,423 (previous year 8,902) copies
( WEMF circulation bulletin 2018)
Widespread edition 8,638 (previous year 9,057) (large edition 20,118; previous year 20,563) copies
(WEMF circulation bulletin 2018)
Range 0.018 (previous year 0.018) million readers
(WEMF MACH Basic 2018-II)
Editor-in-chief Patrik Schädler
editor Vaduzer Medienhaus AG
executive Director Daniel Bargetze
Web link

The Liechtenstein Fatherland is the younger and larger of the two daily newspapers in Liechtenstein . It is the official party gazette of the Patriotic Union , but has become more and more independent over time. This trend can also be seen in the largest competitor newspaper in Liechtenstein, the Liechtensteiner Volksblatt .

The fatherland , as the newspaper is popularly known, currently employs around 50 people and is based in the Liechtenstein capital, Vaduz .

The newspapers in Liechtenstein are known among the population for their letters to the editor. Many readers express their displeasure, their fears or their joy and thus inform their fellow citizens about various topics. In a vote in 2003 on the constitutional initiative , several pages of letters to the editor were even published due to the high emotional ties between the population, as the question had divided the population on the one hand and the fatherland printed all worthy letters to the editor on the other .

The Fatherland is published in German and deals with current topics mainly from the Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Austria region. The WEMF - certified circulation is 8'423 (previous year 8'902.) Sold or 8'638 (previous year 9'057.) Spread copies that reach 18,000 (previous year: 18,000.) Reader (WEMF MACH Basic 2018 -II). On Tuesdays a large print run of 20,118 (previous year 20,563) copies is distributed. In terms of population, the Liechtenstein Fatherland is therefore the newspaper with the widest reach in the world, ahead of the Austrian Kronen Zeitung .


At the beginning of the 1930s there were two parties in Liechtenstein, the Catholic-Conservative Citizens' Party and the liberal and Christian-social-minded People's Party . Both parties published a newspaper each, but it did not have a daily edition. In 1933 a new political group appeared, the Liechtenstein Homeland Service movement . This group published a weekly newspaper as its newspaper organ.

In December 1935, the Fatherland Union was formed as a merger of the Liechtenstein Homeland Service and the People's Party. As a result of this merger, the two newspapers of these groups, the Liechtensteiner Heimatdienst and the Liechtensteiner Nachrichten , were discontinued and the Liechtensteiner Vaterland was published from January 1, 1936 .

Otto Schädler took over the management of the new newspaper and Alois Vogt took over the editorial management . The first issue appeared on Wednesday and Saturday with an edition of 1500 copies. The newspaper was distributed throughout the Principality of Liechtenstein, but also in neighboring parts of Austria and Switzerland.


The Liechtenstein Fatherland is used as required and e.g. B. structured as follows:

  • Front page with the current topic of the day
  • The second
  • Domestic news
  • Foreign news
  • watch TV
  • boulevard
  • Sports
  • economy
  • Culture
  • The last (horoscope, weather, other)


The Liechtenstein Fatherland is financed through subscriptions and the sale of advertisements.


  • Karl Bömer : Handbook of the world press. Leipzig 1937.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b WEMF edition bulletin 2018 ( Memento of the original from January 16, 2019 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , P. 25 ( large edition p. 3; PDF; 796 kB). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Joachim Riedl: What comes after Dichand? In: Zeit Online . June 23, 2010.
  3. See note subscription invitation on page 1 of the first edition (PDF, 234 kB).