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Alopeke ( Greek  Ἀλωπεκή ) was a demos of ancient Athens .

He belonged to the urban third ( Trinys ) of the Phyle Antiochis and was one of the largest demes, which is why the place also sent ten or twelve members to the Athens Council ( boulḗ ) . Alopeke was about two kilometers south-east of the ancient ring wall of Athens, about where the districts of Dafni and Ymittos extend today.

The Athenian statesman Aristeides and the famous philosopher Socrates came from Alopeke , who lived here with his wife Xanthippe and his sons Lamprokles, Sophroniskos and Menexenos . The estate of Crito , the wealthy patron of Socrates, and the family home of the millionaire Kallias , son of Hipponikos, who was considered the richest man in Greece in his time , were also in Alopeke. One can probably conclude from this that the place at the gates of the Attic capital was at that time a popular place of residence for the wealthy upper class of Athens.


Coordinates: 37 ° 57 '  N , 23 ° 45'  E