Alpine Club Schwanenstadt

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Alpine Club Schwanenstadt
Logo Alpenverein Schwanenstadt
Surname Austrian Alpine Club,
Schwanenstadt section
Founded 2000
Association headquarters Schwanenstadt
Members 1192 (December 31, 2015)
Chairperson Andrea Aichmayr
ZVR number 266330466

The Alpine Club Schwanenstadt (long form: Austrian Alpine Club Section Schwanenstadt ) is a member club of the Austrian Alpine Club in Schwanenstadt . With 1192 members (as of December 31, 2015) it is the club with the largest number of members in the Schwanenstadt region and the second largest Alpine club section in the Vöcklabruck district in Upper Austria .


The founding date of the Alpenverein Schwanenstadt is unknown. Even before 1939 there were members of the Alpine Club in Schwanenstadt.

A separate local group as part of the Vöcklabruck section was founded around 1947. The founders were the lawyer Ernst Peyrer-Heimstätt and the Schwanstadt doctor Karl von Jenny. The founding meeting took place in the Achatz-Schnaitl inn. Ernst Peyrer-Heimstätt was elected as the first chairman of the Schwanenstadt local group, Rudi Hlauschka as chairman, Karl Anderle as youth leader and Johanna Schnaitl as cashier.

In the first years of the local group's existence, she worked on the construction of the youth hostel at the Hochleckenhaus in the Höllengebirge and took part in the search and rescue of the accident victims from Heilbronn am Dachstein in Easter week 1954 .

Alpine club house in Staig

On June 1, 1956, after the death of Ernst Peyrer-Heimstätt in the Achatz-Schnaitl clubhouse, Rudi Hlauschka was elected as the new chairman and Franz Focke as the vice chairman. When Hlauschka died after almost 30 years as chairman, Eckhard Schnaitl was elected chairman of the local ÖAV group in May 1985. Max Braun became his deputy. Because of health problems, Schnaitl gave up his position as chairman of the association in 1993 after eight years. He was succeeded by Augustin Mairhofer, under whom the number of 280 members almost tripled within twelve years.

In April 1996 the construction of a youth home in the village of Staig began. The inauguration ceremony with the participation of several mayors and public figures took place together with the 50th anniversary of the Alpine Club at the end of August 1997.

Alpine Club Schwanenstadt today

In October 1999 it was decided to separate from the Vöcklabruck Alpine Club section and to found an independent Schwanenstadt section in the Austrian Alpine Club on January 1, 2000. The previous chairman of the local group, Augustin Mairhofer, was elected 1st chairman of the Schwanenstadt PES section.

In 2008 chairman Augustin Mairhofer handed over management of the association to Gerhard Greifeneder. Under his leadership, the training of tour guides was further improved and the range of training courses for club members increased.

The Schwanenstadt Alpine Club looks after and rehabilitates around 13 kilometers of paths and climbs in the Höllengebirge , including the “Brennerriesenstieg”, an easy via ferrata that leads from the Weißenbach forester's lodge to the Höllengebirgsplateau.

The association does not operate a hut in alpine regions, but has a youth home in the village of Staig. There is also an indoor sport climbing wall and a boulder wall in the building. The club has a minibus for club trips as well as extensive rental equipment and alpine literature.

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