Alphons Pfyffer

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Alphons Pfyffer von Heidegg , (born September 5, 1753 , † April 11, 1822 ) was a Swiss politician at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century.

Pfyffer came from the Leodegar branch of the Lucerne patrician family Pfyffer , who called themselves Pfyffer von Heidegg in this branch . He first embarked on a military career and spent some time in Paris as a lieutenant in the Swiss Guard . After his return to Lucerne, he spread revolutionary ideas. After the Helvetic Revolution in the spring of 1798, Pfyffer was elected as a moderate reformer by the Republicans on April 18 to join the first Directory of the Helvetic Republic . However, under pressure from the French envoy Jean-Jacques Rapinat , Pfyffer had to resign on June 18 of the same year. However, he remained a member of the Helvetian Senate and the Grand Council, where he was counted among the Unitarians.
