Old school Bergholz-Rehbrücke

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Old school after the facade renovation, 2010
Facade detail

The old school in Bergholz is a listed building and is owned by the Nuthetal community . It was completed in 1894 and is in the same place as its predecessor. From 2007 to 2013 it was refurbished and the staircase and facade restored in accordance with the listed buildings. Since 2007 the association Mehrgenerationenhaus Nuthetal eV has been responsible for the use and operation of the building. On September 5, 2013, at the award of the Brandenburg Monument Prize, the association received recognition for the renovation of the building in line with listed buildings and the involvement of volunteers in this project.

Building history and use up to the First World War

The old school in the center of the former village of Bergholz is the third school in town. In 1810 the preacher Bernhard from Saarmund reported that the Bergholz schoolhouse had collapsed. A new school building was only erected between 1820 and 1821. After extremely poor teaching conditions, the current school building was built between 1893 and 1894.

In February 1894, after an inspection of the building, Kreisbauinspektor Schmöke stated: "... The acceptance of the entire school building on the fiscal side and by the supervisory authorities would only be effected when all work required subsequently, namely the relocation of the too small tiled stoves in all other rooms, has been effected, .. "

On April 27, 1894, the third school building - today's old school - was inaugurated.

The first teacher in this school was Heinrich Belss , who retired that same year. He was followed by Julius Selle on October 1, 1894 . Defects in the building were discovered as early as the winter of 1894/95. With the tiled stoves in the classrooms, the temperatures could not be raised above 5 ° C during the cold days. The community (school authority) decided to set up an iron stove in each class.

In 1903 the Royal District Doctor Dr. Itzeroth found significant deficiencies during an inspection, including a .: Doors and windows close very poorly in the whole house, ... air quality is bad, cleanliness is good ..., 17 benches with plus distance. The water in the school fountain is not perfect. In the handwritten school chronicle it is stated, "... that the community made the mistake of entrusting the construction of the school to the cheapest entrepreneur ..."

In 1906 improvements were made to the structural condition of the school: windows facing the street were broken out and windows facing the courtyard were bricked up. The hallway and the stairs were newly paved and the rooms painted. In a renewed district medical inspection in 1912, significant deficiencies were again listed, such as B. a leaky roof, missing gutters, a poorly closing window, ... The water supply had meanwhile improved significantly through the use of a deep well (97 m).

From the end of the First World War to 1945

The first teacher at the Bergholz School was Elsbeth Lemke in 1921 . She received her certificate of appointment on February 25, 1921.

Due to the increasing number of pupils towards the end of the 1920s and beginning of the 1930s, parents applied to the municipal council to build a new school. In December 1930 the Potsdam Building Department recommended building a larger school. After approval by the municipal council, construction was to begin in July 1931. Due to the economic situation, however, the Potsdam government ordered shortly beforehand to stop all construction projects that had not yet started. In 1932 there were 182 students in the parish. The school building couldn't contain the number of students, so an emergency class was set up in another building.

In January 1935, the community representatives decided that the school and the church should also be included in the “local statute for protection against the defacing of streets, squares and open spaces”.

From the end of the Second World War to the present

A few days after the end of the Second World War, on May 13th, school operations were resumed. The number of pupils rose to 380 by 1950. There was sharp criticism from parents and the general public, particularly of the sanitary conditions in the school. Although money had been requested for the repair of the school building as early as 1950, the necessary work could not be completed until the end of the 1950s. The structural changes included z. B. the installation of a dormer in the roof to create a small office for the secretariat. The principal did not have his own study, but had to work in the staff room.

It was not until 1969, after the completion of a new school building elsewhere, that school operations in the old school could be stopped. The building was initially converted for residential use. After 1989/90 the housing situation improved, the apartments were given up and the building was empty. In 1998, the municipal council decided to restore and convert the building. It should be a non-profit organization. Up until 2007, none of the necessary renovation work had been carried out. Since then, the association Mehrgenerationenhaus Nuthetal eV has been committed to the renovation and use of the building. With approx. 16,000 hours of voluntary work until completion in 2014, budget funds from the municipality and funding from the federal government, the district and foundations, the house was renovated from the basement to the roof. All rooms in the house are now fully usable again. Special emphasis was placed on the restoration of the staircase and facade in accordance with the listed building standards.

See also

List of architectural monuments in the municipality of Nuthetal


  • The old school in Bergholz . Traces in the Brandenburg sand, Nuthetal 2010
  • Copy of the handwritten school chronicle of the Bergholz-Rehbrücke community . no year
  • Brandenburg State Main Archives, Rep. 2A, Reg. Pdm. II Bergholz Z No. 302
  • Kurt Baller et al. a .: Old school - new house . Nuthetal 2014, ISBN 978-3-00-045903-0

Web links

Commons : Alte Schule Bergholz-Rehbrücke  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. BLHA, Rep. 2A, Reg. Pdm. II Bergholz Z No. 302
  2. The old school in Bergholz. Traces in the Brandenburg sand, p. 5, Nuthetal 2010
  3. Copy of the handwritten school chronicle of the Bergholz-Rehbrücke community, p. 33
  4. The old school in Bergholz. Traces in the Brandenburg sand, p. 10, Nuthetal 2010
  5. The old school in Bergholz. Traces in the Brandenburg sand, p. 13, Nuthetal 2010

Coordinates: 52 ° 20 '26.2 "  N , 13 ° 5' 57.8"  E