Altwulsdorf School
The Wulsdorfer Schule , Sandbredenstrasse 11, also called the Alt-Wulsdorfer Schule ; was built in Wulsdorf in 1866 and is the oldest surviving school building in Bremerhaven .
The building is a listed building in Bremen .
In the 19th century the children in Wulsdorf were still taught in the sexton's school in the sexton's house; back then with a class size of 80 to 90 children. A single-class school had existed there since 1852, then a three-class school from 1859/60: However, one class had to be outsourced in the then rapidly growing rural community.
In 1866 the four-class Wulsdorf school was rebuilt. The two-storey, brick-faced and rural building in the arched style of late Classicism in the Romantic era has two gable wings with two classes each, which are connected by an intermediate staircase and the teacher's apartment. Elaborate shaped stones or masonry associations create the facade, cornices and parapets and the gables decorated with a diamond.
With the School Maintenance Act in Prussia of 1908, the political community took over the school from the church. Around 1908 a school extension is built as a new four-class village school according to plans by the architect Müller. In 1914 another extension followed according to plans by the architect Jon Knudsen. The gym was added in 1930. In 1950 two classrooms on the upper floor of the old school were expanded. In 1937 a school pavilion was added and in 1967 the top floor was converted.
- Altwulsdorf School 1866-1991 . Font for the 125th anniversary, Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven 1991
- 150 years of Altwulsdorf School. Anniversary publication in 2016, Bremerhaven 2016
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Coordinates: 53 ° 30 ′ 15 ″ N , 8 ° 36 ′ 2.3 ″ E