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Amanibakhi in hieroglyphics
Hiero Ca1.svg
i mn
D5 E11 x
Hiero Ca2.svg
Cartouche with the
name of Amanibakhi

Amanibakhi was a Nubian king.

He is only known from his grave stele and his offering table. Both objects were rebuilt in a Christian church in Nuri . It can be concluded from this that he once had a pyramid in Nuri , but none of the pyramids there can be assigned to him with certainty. The style of its two monuments fits into the 4th century BC.

See also


  • László Török : Fontes Historiae Nubiorum: textual sources for the history of the Middle Nile Region between the eighth century BC and the sixth century AD. Vol. II: From the mid-fifth to the first century BC. Bergen 1996, ISBN 82-91626-01-4 , pp. 465-467.