American Nuclear Society

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The American Nuclear Society (ANS) is an American society of scientists and engineers in the field of nuclear engineering and various areas of nuclear physics . This was founded in 1954. In 2010 it had around 10,500 members in 46 countries, and in 2016 around 11,000 members. The society sees itself as internationally oriented and has branches in Europe since 1970 (the Belgian Nuclear Society and the branches Europe Central , Europe France ). It is a non-profit organization . It publishes the journals Nuclear Science and Engineering (from 1956) as well as Transactions of the ANS (from 1958), Nuclear Technology (first in 1965 as Nuclear Applications ), Fusion Science and Technology (first from 1981 as Nuclear Technology / Fusion ) and Radwaste Solutions (first from 1994 as Radwaste Magazine , on the question of the disposal of nuclear waste). They also publish the membership magazines Nuclear News (since 1959) and ANS News (from 1983) and the Nuclear Standard News (from 1970).

Its headquarters were initially at Oak Ridge National Laboratory , then in Chicago and has been in La Grange Park in Illinois , a suburb of Chicago , since 1977 . They also have a larger office in Washington, DC Annual general meetings have been held since 1955. Its first president was Walter Zinn . They award various prizes such as the Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award .

They are also dedicated to the promotion and qualification of the training of engineers in nuclear technology in particular and publish studies, for example a commentary on the official reactor safety study of the National Research Council (NRC) NUREG-1150 in 1990 and on Protection and Management of Plutonium in 1995 .

They award various prizes such as the Seaborg Medal for contributions to the peaceful use of nuclear energy or the Alvin Weinberg Medal for contributions to the understanding of the social effects of nuclear technology. There is also Fellowship status.

Seaborg Medal

It is awarded for scientific or engineering achievements for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Prize winners were:

Web links

Commons : American Nuclear Society  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. History ANS
  2. ^ List of the ANS award winners