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Amm ( old South Arabic ʿm "uncle (father's side)") was the god of the old South Arabian empire Qataban . Nicknames like “the one who gains weight”, “the shining one” and the like clearly indicate his quality as a moon god. He also seems to have been a weather god. His quality as the state god results from formulas that designate the Qataban Mukarrib as the son of the wet nurse and from his places in invocations of the gods. In the official invocations, Amm was followed by the deity Anbay .

Important places of worship were located in Daman in northern Dathina , in the Qataban capital Timna and in Wadi Labach near Timna, where Amm and his temple leased property.

Outside of southern Arabia, mentions of the Amm can also be found among the Thamud and in isolated North Arabian places.
