Ancistrocerus dusmetiolus

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Ancistrocerus dusmetiolus
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Subordination : Waist Wasps (Apocrita)
Family : Wasps (Vespidae)
Subfamily : Solitary wasps (Eumeninae)
Genre : Ancistrocerus
Type : Ancistrocerus dusmetiolus
Scientific name
Ancistrocerus dusmetiolus
( Strand , 1914)

Ancistrocerus dusmetiolus is a species from the order of the hymenoptera (Hymenoptera) within the solitary wasps (Eumeninae).


The wasps reach a body length of 8 to 11 millimeters (females) or 7 to 9 millimeters (males). Their body is yellow-black in color. The outline of the black area on the first tergite is heart-shaped to square. It is difficult to distinguish the species from the other species in the genus Ancistrocerus .


The species occurs in North Africa, Europe and east to the Far East. The northern limit of distribution runs through northwest Germany. It colonizes loess and clay walls with favorable temperatures. The animals fly in one generation from early May to early August. They are now very rare to rare in Central Europe.

Way of life

Allodynerus dusmetiolus builds their nests in existing cavities, such as abandoned nests of other wasps, on sunlit steep walls, but also in the walls of adobe half-timbered houses . Occasionally the entrance to the nest has a small chimney. The prey animals with which the brood is supplied is insufficiently known, but so far only larvae of leaf beetles have been identified.


Web links


  • Rolf Witt: Wasps. Observe, determine. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89440-243-1 .