André-Noël Pagin

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André-Noël Pagin (* 1720 in Paris ; † after 1785 there) was a French violinist and classical composer .

Live and act

As a young man, André-Noël Pagin made a trip to Italy that took him to Padua , where he took violin lessons from Giuseppe Tartini . During this time Tartini ordered a violin for Pagin from Girolamo (II.) Amati . After his return to Paris he had numerous successful appearances at the Concert spirituel around 1750 . His persistence in mainly performing works by Tartini or works in the Italian style earned him the derision of his colleagues who preferred the national French style. Pagin was so offended by this that he rarely appeared in public. In the Count of Clermont Pagin found a weighty patron who offered him in his service a regular income of 1000 francs. So Pagin only played in the palaces of rich nobles and in the salons of friends. Charles Burney , who heard Pagin while he was in Paris in 1770, wrote in his diary of a musical journey through France and Italy :

" On Wednesday the 22nd I heard Mr. Pagin on the violin in the house of Mrs. Brillon at Passy .... Mr. Pagin was a pupil of Tartini, and here he is considered to be his best apprentice; he has a lot of expression and is extremely easy to bring out difficult parts ..... He is no longer making a business out of music; for he has a job with the Earl of Clermont which brings him about two hundred and fifty pounds sterling annually. He had the honor of being spiritually hissed at the concert because he dared to play in the Italian style, and that is why he resigned his profession. "

Among Pagin's most important students are Pierre Lahoussaye and Etienne Bernard Barrière .


Pagin's technically demanding and varied “Six sonates avec violon et basse” (1748) show the influence of Tartini.


  • Alfred Baumgartner: Propylaea World of Music - The Composers - A lexicon in five volumes . tape 4 . Propylaen Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-549-07830-7 , pp. 232-233 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ François-Joseph Fétis: Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie génèrale de la musique (1864)
  2. ^ Charles Burney: Diary of a musical journey through France and Italy