André Moufflet

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André Moufflet (* 1883 ; † after 1948) was a French language purist .

life and work

Moufflet studied law and received his doctorate in Paris in 1907 with the thesis Les conditions du travail dans la marine marchande . In the thirties, he made a name for himself as a virulent linguist , alongside André Thérive and Abel Hermant . The scientific interest of purist writings lies in the abundance of observations on the (passionately fought) change (diachrony) in language.


  • La Littérature publicitaire, in: La Revue de France 1er déc. 1931, pp. 476-512
  • Le Style du roman-feuilleton, in: Mercure de France, 1er fév. 1931, pp. 513-554
  • Contre le massacre de la langue française, Toulouse 1931
  • M. Lebureau et son âme. Plaisant manuel de philosophie administrative et de psychologie bureaucratique, Paris 1933
  • De quelques attentats contre la langue française, in: Mercure de France, 15 mars 1933, pp. 573–603
  • Encore le massacre de la langue française, Toulouse / Paris 1935
  • Au secours de la langue française, Paris 1948


  • Hans Helmut Christmann : The French of the present. On his norm and his "Défense", in: The French language of today, ed. by Franz Josef Hausmann , Darmstadt 1983, pp. 411–440
  • Guy Thuillier: L'Administration en 1933. M. Lebureau et son âme par André Moufflet, in: Revue administrative 53, 313, 2000, pp. 22-31

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