Andrea III. Muzaka

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Andrea III. Muzaka (also Andreas Musachi, Andrea Muzakë; † after 1393) was an Albanian prince and lord of Devoll .


Andrea came from the noble Muzaka family, well-to-do in central Albania , and followed his father Ghin I in his despotate, the Tomornizza near the Tomorr mountain , the two valleys (Groß- and Kleindevoll) on the Devoll , the border to the Arianiti (also: Arianiti Komnenen) was, and the landscape included Kastoria with all cities and domains.

In Venetian documents, "Andreas Misachi" does not appear as a prince, but as a "valuable citizen of Durazzo ". With document no. 439 of February 27, 1389, Andreas and other gentlemen received from Doge Antonio Venier for their services "that the city does not fall into the hands of the Turks" should receive 300 ducats annually and that as long as "the city in Venetian Hands was ".

In April 1393 the most valuable citizens of Durazzo and the “Albanian chiefs nearby” received gifts and pensions from the bailo and captain of Durazzo, Francesco Giorgio. Andreas III was among the recipients. called.


Andrea married Kyranna (Grabossa received as dowry), the daughter of Gjin Zenevisi , Lord of Agyrokastro and Vagenetia , with whom he had six children:

  • Gjin II. Muzaka ( German  Johannes ; † 1455 shortly after the battle of Berat ), Skanderbeg's comrade ∞ Chiranna, granddaughter (or niece) of Matarango von Gora
  • Theodor III. Muzaka also known as Theodor Corona Musachi; Skanderbeg's comrades-in-arms; left no direct heirs
  • Maria Muzaka ∞ Arianiti Comnenus (* approx. 1400; † 1461 in Durrës)
  • Elena Muzaka ∞ Philip of Ragusa
  • Comita Muzaka ∞ Arianiti, son of Musachi Arianiti Comneno
  • Condisa Muzaka ∞ Duru, son of Aidino; Lord of Neppe

See also


  • Ludovicus de Thallóczy , Constantinus Jireček, Emilianus de Sufflay: Acta and Diplomata Res Albaniae Medien Aetatis illustrantia 1344–1406 . tape II . Adolphi Holzhausen, Vienna 1916 (Latin, ).

Web links


  1. Lord of Çermenika , Mokra and Spatennia (Shpat); one of the captains of Skanderbeg

Individual evidence

  1. Andrea III Muzaka. Accessed March 14, 2018 (English).
  2. General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts . First Section AG. Hermann Brockhaus, Leipzig 1868, p. 121 ( full text in Google Book Search).
  3. ^ Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann Hopf : Chroniques gréco-romanes inédites ou peu connues . Weidmann, Berlin 1873, p. 282 (Italian, ).
  4. General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts, 1868, p. 42
  5. ^ Acta and Diplomata Res Albaniae Medien Aetatis illustrantia 1344–1406, Volume II, p. 104
  6. General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts, 1868, p. 93
  7. ^ Rosario Jurlaro: I Musachi, despoti d'Epiro . Edizioni del Centro Librario, Bari November 1970, pp. 61 (Italian, [PDF; accessed March 2, 2018]).
  8. General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts, 1868, p. 122
  9. ^ Arianiti Comneno. Retrieved March 11, 2018 (Italian).