Andreas Fincke

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Andreas Fincke (born February 25, 1959 in Halle (Saale) ) is a German university pastor and director of the Evangelical City Academy in Erfurt .


After the POS (Polytechnic High School) he completed vocational training with a high school diploma as an electrician and then from 1978 to 1980 did basic military service in the National People's Army. Fincke then worked as a kindergarten teacher in Diakonie facilities or as a private tutor. In 1981 he began studying Protestant theology at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg. After the first exam in 1986, he received a 12-month scholarship from the confessional work and research institute in Potsdam. 1987–1988 a vicariate followed in the parish of Beesen-Silberhöhe (Halle / S.)

From 1988 to 1992 he was a research assistant at the chair for ecumenics and general religious history at the Martin Luther University in Halle. In 1992 he made a second theological exam and was appointed pastor of the Ev. Church of the ecclesiastical province of Saxony.

In 1992 Fincke started working on “Jesus Christ in the Work of Jakob Lorber. Image of Jesus and Christology of a New Revelation ”. Between 1992 and 2007 Fincke was a scientific consultant at the “ Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauungsfragen ” (EZW) in Stuttgart and Berlin and between 1999 and 2007 he was deputy head of the EZW and editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine “Materialdienst der EZW. Journal for questions of religion and belief ”. Here as well as in numerous other specialist journals, monographs and encyclopedias, he regularly published articles on questions of religion and belief.

From 2007 to 2008 he worked as a consultant for fundamental questions in the consistory of the Ev. Church Berlin Brandenburg Silesian Upper Lusatia (EKBO) and from 2008 to 2010 as personal advisor to the Berlin Senator for Education, Science and Research. From 2010 to 2013 he was pastor in Havelland in four Brandenburg villages. In 2013 there was a change to the service of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM). Since 2013 he has been the university pastor and head of the Ev. City Academy Erfurt. Andreas Fincke is a lecturer at the University of Erfurt.

He is a member of the “Interreligious Discussion Group Thuringia” and the “Religious Communities” working group of the VELKD, which in autumn 2015 published the “Handbook of World Views, Religious Communities”. Andreas Fincke has presented publications on questions of religion and belief. Research focuses on atheism and non-denominationalism. He is considered to be a connoisseur of the atheist or church-critical scene in Germany from a church perspective.


  • Finished with god? Non-denomination, atheism and secular humanism in Germany. An inventory from a church-related perspective, Aschaffenburg 2017. Review cf.
  • Handbook Weltanschauungen, Religious Communities, Free Churches on behalf of the church leadership of the VELKD, Gütersloh 2015 (co-editor)
  • Anthroposophy - Waldorf Education - Christian Community. Contributions to dialogue and debate, EZW-Text No. 190, Berlin 2007
  • “And yet it is moving!” News from the New Apostolic Church, EZW-Text No. 193, Berlin 2007
  • Panorama of the new religiosity. Search for meaning and promise of salvation at the beginning of the 21st century, ed. on behalf of EZW, Gütersloh 2001. Completely revised new edition, Gütersloh 2005 (co-editor)
  • Compass: sects and religious worldviews. A Lexicon, Gütersloh 2004 (with Matthias Pöhlmann )
  • What does he who does not believe in? Life and world views of free thinkers, non-denominationalists and atheists in self-statements, EZW-Text No. 176, Berlin 2004
  • If groups promise a lot, the project booklet in the series “Taking a position”, including handouts for teaching, Berlin 2004
  • Free thinkers - free spirits - free religious. Organizations critical of the church in Germany since 1989, EZW-Text Nr. 162, Berlin 2002

Web links


  • Portrait in the FAZ: Honor to no one on high. Who believes in who does not believe: Is atheism becoming the third denomination in Germany ?, FAZ dated December 6, 2004

Individual evidence

  1. ^ EZW: Material service. Retrieved April 15, 2017 .
  2. EZW: EZW texts. Retrieved April 15, 2017 .