Andreas Papadakis

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Andreas Papadakis (Ανδρέας Παπαδάκης, born June 17, 1938 in Nicosia ; † June 10, 2008 ) was a Cypriot-British architecture critic. He has published over 1,000 works as an author or editor and was the first to write about Léon Krier , Daniel Libeskind and Zaha Hadid .


Papadakis was born in Nicosia in 1938 and moved to London in 1956 to attend college and study there. In 1964 he bought a property to live there, not knowing that the ground floor was only approved for commercial use. He opened a bookstore there, but increasingly shifted his activities to publishing and publishing under the name Academy Editions . In 1971 he moved to a larger building and in 1975 acquired the renowned but financially troubled magazine Architectural Design . In 1977 he published Charles Jencks ' The Language of Post-Modern Architecture and sparked controversy. In 1990 he retired from the business as a publisher and after the five-year threshold had expired, he founded Papadakis Publisher together with his daughter Alexandra Papadakis.

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