Andres Salvacion

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Andres D. Salvacion, Jr. is a Filipino politician from the Lakas Democratic Congregation Kristiyano at Muslim (Lakas – CMD) and currently the Liberal Party (LP), who has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2007 .


After attending school, Salvacion completed a degree in criminology at the University of the Visayas , which he completed in 1960 with a Bachelor of Science (BS Criminology). A postgraduate studies of pedagogy at the Republican College he completed a Master of Arts (MA Education). In 1966 he began his professional career at the customs police authority ( Bureau of Customs ), which is part of the Department of Finance , where he initially worked as a special officer (SPO ) and then between 1969 and 1975 as a customs inspector. After working as an assessor at customs between 1975 and 1989, he became an operations officer and was most recently head of a district collector of the customs authorities from 1999 to 2006 .

In the elections of May 14, 2007 , Salvacion was elected for the first time as a member of the House of Representatives for the Lakas Democratic Cong Kristiyano at Muslim (Lakas-CMD) and has since represented the constituency of Leyte 3rd District in this . In the elections of May 10, 2010 , he was re-elected with 48,083 votes (59.48 percent) and was able to prevail against the candidate of the Nacionalista Party (NP), Eduardo Veloso, who received 31,311 votes (38.73 percent) .

He was re-elected in the May 13, 2013 elections, this time running for the Liberal Party. With 31,088 votes (54.15 percent), he was well ahead of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) candidate , Bernard Jonathan Ramandaban, who got 20,773 votes (36.18 percent). In the current 16th legislative period, which runs from 2013 to 2016, he is chairman of the parliamentary committee for civil service and professional regulation . He is responsible for all matters that are directly and fundamentally concerned with the organization, implementation, management, laws and regulations of the public service. The committee also deals with the status, alimony and additional remuneration of government officials and employees, as well as the provisions on access to and exercise of professions.

Since Salvacion has reached the maximum consecutive eligibility of nine years, he will not be allowed to run again in the upcoming elections on May 9, 2016 , and will therefore leave the House of Representatives.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. House Committee for Civil Service and Professional Regulation on the homepage of the House of Representatives (page accessed April 11, 2016)