Andrew Bolt

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Andrew Bolt (born September 26, 1959 in Adelaide ) is an Australian newspaper columnist, radio and TV presenter and blogger.


Andrew Bolt, son of Dutch immigrants, studied at the University of Adelaide . He was in Melbourne for the daily newspapers The Age and later for The Herald . He worked for News Ltd Asia in Hong Kong and Bangkok. Bolt was twice on Prime Minister Bob Hawke's campaign team .

He has worked as a freelance journalist since 2005 and is known as a columnist for the Herald Sun , the largest daily newspaper in Australia, based in Melbourne, and The Daily Telegraph in Sydney. He is also present as a radio presenter, including on Melbourne talk radio . As a blogger, he runs the most widely read blog in Australia. As a TV presenter, Bolt runs The Bolt Report .

Bolt has been married to the journalist Sally Morrell since 1989 and has three children with her. Bolt is agnostic .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b "Andrew Bolt" , on from December 20, 2018 (en.)
  2. "Andrew Bolt" , on from December 20, 2018 (en.)