Andrzej Rohaczewski

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Andrzej Rohaczewski (* around 1590, † around 1630) was a Polish composer.

Little is known about Rohaczewski's life, except that he was court organist and composer for Prince Albert Stanisław Radziwiłł in Olyka and Nieswiez at the beginning of the 17th century . Two of his works have survived in the organ tablature of the Cistercian monastery Peplin ( Tabulatura Peplinska ): the nine-part motet Crucifixus surrexit and a canzon a 4 . The latter is written in organ notation, but is composed in the style of an early Baroque Italian canzona . The concertante juxtaposition of high and low voices identifies it as a chamber music composition. Along with works by Adam Jarzębski , it is one of the earliest compositions of this kind in Poland.
