Arranged group

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In group theory , a sub- discipline of mathematics , an arranged group ( left-orderable group ) is a group together with a total order " " that is compatible with the left translation given by the multiplication. Well-known examples are the groups of whole and real numbers .


Be a group. A left-invariant arrangement on is a total order, so that applies to all :


An ordered group is a group with a left-invariant order.

Equivalently, a left-invariant order can be characterized by a disjoint decomposition

with and .

The arrangement results from the decomposition via



  • and are arranged groups.
  • If there are torsional (i.e., finite order ) elements in a group , then the group cannot have a left-invariant ordering.
  • Each torsion-free Abelian group is an ordered group.
  • Free groups are arranged.
  • SL (2, R) and have no left-invariant arrangement.
  • Dehornoy's theorem : groups of braids are arranged.
  • Rourke-Wiest theorem : mapping class groups of surfaces with non-empty edges are arranged.
  • Boyer-Rolfsen-Wiest theorem : Fundamental groups of compact, irreducible 3-manifolds with are arranged.
  • If and are arranged groups and
is a short exact sequence then has a left-invariant ordering compatible with that of and for which the mapping is monotonic.
  • Burns-Hale theorem : A group has a left-invariant arrangement if there is a surjective homomorphism on an arranged group for every finitely generated subgroup . In particular, has a left-invariant arrangement when for each finitely generated subgroup applies: .
  • The universal overlay of is an ordered group, although all of your finitely generated subgroups apply.
  • A countable group has a left-invariant assembly if and only if a subset of isomorphic , the group of the orientation -prolonging homeomorphisms of is.
  • Hölder's theorem : A group has a left-invariant Archimedean arrangement if and only if it is isomorphic to a subgroup of .

Bi-invariant arrangements

A right-invariant arrangement on a group is a total order, so that applies to all :


Each arranged group also has a right-invariant arrangement, but this generally does not correspond to the left-invariant arrangement.

A bi-invariant arrangement is an arrangement that is left and right invariant at the same time. For example, torsion-free Abelian groups or the pure braid group have a bi-invariant arrangement.

See also


  • Robert G. Burns, VWD Hale: A note on group rings of certain torsion-free groups. In: Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Vol. 15, No. 3, 1972, pp. 441-445, doi : 10.4153 / CMB-1972-080-3 .
  • Danny Calegari : Circular groups, planar groups, and the Euler class. In: Cameron Gordon , Yoav Rieck (eds.): Proceedings of the Casson Fest (Arkansas and Texas 2003) (= Geometry & Topology Monographs. Vol. 7, ISSN  1464-8989 ). University of Warwick - Mathematics Institute, Coventry 2004, pp. 431-491, doi : 10.2140 / gtm.2004.7.431 .
  • Patrick Dehornoy , Ivan Dynnikov, Dale Rolfsen, Bert Wiest: Why are braids orderable? (= Panoramas et Synthèses. Vol. 14). Société Mathématique de France, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-85629-135-X .

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