Angola dormouse

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Angola dormouse
Order : Rodents (Rodentia)
Subordination : Squirrel relatives (Sciuromorpha)
Family : Dormouse (Gliridae)
Subfamily : Graphiurinae
Genre : African dormouse ( Graphiurus )
Type : Angola dormouse
Scientific name
Graphiurus angolensis
de Winton , 1897

The Angola dormouse ( Graphiurus angolensis ) is a rodent in the dormouse family that is found in southern Africa . Since the species is very similar to the African stone bilch ( Graphiurus rupicola ), future studies to clarify the differences between the species are required according to the IUCN .


This dormouse reaches a head-trunk length of 79 to 112 mm and a tail length of 70 to 96 mm. The hind feet are 17 to 20 mm long and the length of the ears is 14.5 to 18 mm. On the upper side there is dark brown, reddish brown, golden brown or light brown fur, which becomes darker towards the top on the head and back. The underside is covered with light gray, cream or white fur. The Angola dormouse has a distinct mask around the eyes and cream-colored cheeks. Generally, the tail is colored the same as the top of the trunk, except for the white tip.

Compared to the African stone bilch, the species is somewhat smaller. Furthermore, the fur of the Angola dormouse has almost no gray-brown tint. In skull structure , there are slight differences between species.


Two separate populations are known for the Angola dormouse: a larger one in central Angola and another in western Zambia . The species lives in the highlands between 1000 and 2000 meters above sea level. She resides in rather dry landscapes covered with bushes and trees.

Way of life

There are few studies of the behavior of the Angolan dormouse. According to these, the species seems to be predominantly nocturnal, although it is occasionally observed during the day while foraging for food. Occasionally this dormouse uses roofs as a resting place. It is believed to be omnivorous . Females were found with three or four pups, with an estimated maximum litter size of five offspring. One observed birth occurred in late October.


The IUCN lists the Angola dormouse because of its rarity and because it has not yet been clearly delimited from the African stoneflower with "insufficient data" ( data deficient ).

Individual evidence

  1. Don E. Wilson , DeeAnn M. Reeder (Ed.): Mammal Species of the World . A taxonomic and geographic Reference . 3. Edition. 2 volumes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 (English, Graphiurus angolensis ).
  2. a b c Graphiurus angolensis in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2008. Posted by: Coetzee, N., Griffin, M. & Grubb, P., 2008. Accessed June 30, 2017th
  3. a b c Kingdon, Jonathan (Ed.): Mammals of Africa . A & C Black, 2013, ISBN 978-1-4081-2254-9 , pp. 110-111 (English, Graphiurus angolensis ).