Anima damnata

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Anima damnata
General information
origin Wroclaw , Poland
Genre (s) Death metal , black metal
founding 1996
Current occupation
"Necrolucas" aka "Master of Depraved Dreaming and Emperor of the Black Abyss the Great Lord Hziulquoigmzhah Cxaxukluth"
Electric guitar , later also vocals
Marek Lechowski aka "Necrosodomic Corpse Molestator"
former members
Electric guitar
"Bestial Crusher of Holy Prophets"
Jan Czerniawski aka "Nocturnal Harvester of Christian Lambs and the Great Messenger of Subliminal Satanic Messages"
"Necrosadistic Pavulon Injector and Ritual Devourer of Unborn Angelic Flesh"

Anima Damnata is a Polish black and death metal band from Wroclaw that was founded in 1996.


The band was founded towards the end of 1996 by the drummer "Necrolucas", also known under the pseudonym "Master of Depraved Dreaming and Emperor of the Black Abyss the Great Lord Hziulquoigmzhah Cxaxukluth". In 1998 the group renamed itself Anima Damnata before they recorded a first demo, which was never released. Then all members left the band except for “Necrolucas” and the guitarist “Bestial Crusher of Holy Prophets”. In the following two years the band wrote on new material before the singer “Glaca” and the guitarist Marek “Necrosodomic Corpse Molestator” Lechowski joined the line-up in 2000. The group then recorded a second demo. The band also played concerts with Hypnös , Devilyn , Damnable and Disgorge . A year later "Glaca" left the band again. Lechowski then also took over the vocals. Jan Czerniawski aka "Nocturnal Harvester of Christian Lambs and the Great Messenger of Subliminal Satanic Messages" joined the band as bass player in May 2001. Appearances with Behemoth and Napalm Death followed three months later . In early October 2001, the group recorded the demo called Suicidal Allegiance upon the Sacrificial Altar of Sublime Evil and Eternal Sin and released it as a split release with Throneum in November 2002 on Pagan Records . In August 2003 the band recorded the album Agonizing Journey Through the Burning Universe and Transcendental Ritual of Transfiguration at Hertz Recording Studio and released it in December on Pagan Records. In August 2004, the group recorded the EP Tormenting Pale Flesh of the Syphilic Holy Whore . During the recording, "Nocturnal Harvester of Christian Lambs and the Great Messenger of Subliminal Satanic Messages" left the band, followed a few months later by "Bestial Crusher of Holy Prophets".

In February 2005 "Necrosadistic Pavulon Injector and Ritual Devourer of Unborn Angelic Flesh" joined the line-up as the new bass player. In September, the group signed a deal with Morbid Moon Records , about which the EP was finally released three months later. In September 2006, the band recorded their second album, Atrocious Disfigurement of the Redeemer's Corpse at the Graveyard of Humanity , which was released on Morbid Moon Records in 2007.


According to, the band play a mixture of "frenzied Death Metal, confused solos , clinking Black Metal riffs and pure chaos". On Atrocious Disfigurement of the Redeemer's Corpse at the Graveyard , the drums are extremely fast and still very precise and the other instruments are also played at a high level. The basic structure for the music is American Death Metal, while the Black Metal influences are "hidden, in the form of frosty, short riffs". The guttural singing is "largely presented in the form of grunts and only accompanied by screeches in some pieces".


  • 2001: Reh 2001 (demo, self-published)
  • 2001: Suicidal Allegiance upon the Sacrificial Altar of Sublime Evil and Eternal Sin (demo, self-published)
  • 2002: Gods of Abhorrence (split with Throneum , Pagan Records )
  • 2003: Agonizing Journey Through the Burning Universe and Transcendental Ritual of Transfiguration (Album, Pagan Records)
  • 2005: Tormenting Pale Flesh of the Syphilic Holy Whore (EP, Morbid Moon Records )
  • 2007: Atrocious Disfigurement of the Redeemer's Corpse at the Graveyard of Humanity (Album, Morbid Moon Records)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f ANIMA DAMNATA. (No longer available online.), archived from the original on April 7, 2014 ; Retrieved April 6, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. About ANIMA DAMNATA. Myspace , archived from the original on July 6, 2008 ; Retrieved April 6, 2014 .
  3. Anima Damnata. "Atrocious Disfigurement of the Redeemer's Corpse.", accessed on April 6, 2014 .