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Life cycle of Anisakis simplex

Anisakiasis is a disease caused by roundworms . There are three known types of roundworms in fish . The species Anisakis simplex gave the disease its name. The nematode can be found in raw fish such as sushi or matjes . The prevalence in herring is around 70%.


The disease is relatively rare in humans today. Only a few hundred cases are known each year. This mainly affects areas where a lot of raw fish is consumed, such as Japan , but also North America, New Zealand and the Netherlands. Due to the increasing spread of sushi and sashimi dishes , it is assumed that the number of cases will also increase in German-speaking countries.

Course of disease

Twelve to 24 hours after infection, severe abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are common. In the further course, the person concerned suffers from gastrointestinal complaints, loss of appetite and weight loss. In the worst case, acute complications such as ileus or intestinal perforation can occur. Even after the larvae have lived for around three weeks, chronic complaints can remain in the lower abdomen.


The pathogen does not survive temperatures above 60 ° C or below −20 ° C. An infection can be avoided if the raw fish for a while flash-frozen or in brine inserted is. Herring today has to be frozen before further processing .

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