
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ankō ( Japanese 安康 天皇 , Ankō-tennō ; * around 401; † August 9, 456 ) was according to the history books Kojiki and Nihonshoki the 20th Tennō of Japan (453-456). Historians identify him as the Japanese king ( Chinese    /  ) in Chinese documents.

He was the second son of Emperor Ingyōs and the father of Emperor Yūryaku after Nihonshoki . His older brother Kinashikaru no Miko (Prince Kinashikaru) was the crown prince, but lost the favor of the court due to an incestuous relationship with his half-sister. After a failed attempt to gather troops against Anko, Kinashikaru and his half-sister committed suicide. In the third year of his rule, he was murdered by Mayowa no Ōkimi (Prince Mayowa), who was a son of his empress and her previous husband, Prince Okusaka, whom Ankō had accidentally killed.

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predecessor Office successor
Ingyō Emperor of Japan