Appendix (pedagogy)

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In education and developmental psychology, the term ` ` attachment '' describes the genetic prerequisites of a person that lead to certain social behavior under given environmental conditions.

The influence of the faculties on human behavior, on the development of intelligence , on the development of temperament or the ability to acquire language is discussed in the Facility-Environment-Problem. It is controversial to what extent innate abilities or environmental influences such as upbringing , social position or education affect behavior. Approaches to clarifying this question can be found in twin research , in comparative behavioral research or in psychopathology .

In contrast to unchangeable dispositions that exist from birth, the terms disposition and constitution refer to the current status of an individual and also contain changeable characteristics.


  • Karl Josef Klauer : Plant and Environment . In: Detlef H. Rost (ed.): Handwortbuch Pädagogische Psychologie , Beltz, Weinheim 2nd ed. 2001, pp. 1–6
  • Rosemarie Portmann: Basic Discussion III: The Secret of Talent . Attachment or learning outcome? In: Dieter Haarmann (ed.): Primary school manual. Vol. 1. Beltz, Weinheim 1991, pp. 161-170
  • Wilhelm Quitzow: Intelligence - Heritage or Environment? Scientific and political controversies since the turn of the century. Metzler, Stuttgart 1990
  • Michael Lenz: Plant-Environment Discourse. History, systematics and educational relevance. Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn 2012

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