Anna Pawełczyńska

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Anna Pawełczyńska (born April 22, 1922 - June 21, 2014 ) was a Polish sociologist . Because of her contributions to the sociology of the concentration camp , she became known beyond Poland.

Pawelczynska was a member of the Polish resistance during the Second World War, was arrested in 1942 and was a prisoner in Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 1943 to October 1944 . She was then deported to a satellite camp of the Flossenbürg concentration camp , from which she fled in April 1945.

After the end of the war, she studied sociology from 1945 to 1949 and, after completing her master's degree, worked as a research assistant on research into juvenile delinquency. In 1960 she was at the University of Warsaw with a thesis on juvenile delinquency in groups doctorate . 1966 habilitated they went for sociology.

Selected publications

  • Przestępczość grup nieletnich , KiW, Warsaw 1964
  • Studia nad czytelnictwem , PWN, Warsaw 1969
  • Wartości a przemoc. Zarys socjologicznej problematyki Oświęcimia , PWN, Warsaw 1973 (nagroda Polskiego Towarzystwa Socjologicznego im. Stanisława Ossowskiego), PWN, Warszawa 1995, Test, Lublin 2001; tłumaczenie angielskie University of California Press, 1979 i 1980; (German, translated by Jochen August ): PMAB, Auschwitz 2001,
  • Czas człowieka , Ossolineum, Breslau 1986
  • Praca i uczciwość , red., Warsaw 1992
  • Wartości i ich przemiany , red, Warsaw 1992
  • Drogi do szczęścia , WSiP, Warsaw 1993
  • Koni żal , Warsaw 2003
  • Głowy hydry. O przewrotności współczesnego zła. , Lublin, 2004
  • Koniec kresowego świata Lublin, 2003 i 2005 (wyróżnienie - nagroda literacka im. Józefa Mackiewicza)

German translations

  • Values ​​against violence: a sociologist's reflections on Auschwitz , Oświęcim: Publ. Of the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau, 2001. ISBN 83-85047-91-3 .

Web links