Anna of Maydell

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Anna Elisabeth Baroness von Maydell (born October 25 . Jul / November 6th, 1861 greg. In Saint Petersburg , † 30 July 1944 in Schwetz ) was a Baltic German painter and designer.


Anna von Maydell was a student of Franz Deppen in Reval from 1885 to 1890 and with Eric Ehrström in Helsinki from 1915 to 1917 . According to Thieme-Becker, there was parkland in the Tallinn Cathedral Museum in 1930 . As a craftsperson, she also made metal forging work. She also designed furniture for the atelier for arts and crafts she founded in 1904 together with Magda Luther, Lilly Walther and Ebba Weiss .

Furniture design

The Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design ( Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseum ) in Tallinn was able to acquire a number of her designs as well as some silver works from a Finnish collector in 2014.


Web links

Commons : Anna von Maydell  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry by Franz Deppen in 1871 in the register of the Munich Academy of Fine Arts.
  2. Tarbekunstimuuseum Naitab tsaariaegsete ettevõtlike daamide disaini. Report from the ERR of July 2, 2015, accessed on March 16, 2019 (Estonian).