Annamaria Nistri

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Annamaria Nistri (born September 16, 1960 in Florence ) is an Italian herpetologist .


In 1985 Nistri received his PhD in life sciences . In 1990 she became a curator at the La Specola Zoological Museum in Florence . She worked in the ornithological department until 2007 and has been the curator of the herpetological collection ever since.

Nistri's research focuses mainly on the Italian and African herpetofauna , especially on the snakes , newts and salamanders . In collaboration with her colleague Benedetto Lanza (1924-2016) she described the snake species Aprosdoketophis andreonei and Eryx borrii . Also with Lanza and Stefano Vanni , she wrote the chapter on newts and salamanders in 1992 in the Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians (German: Enzyklopädie der Tierwelt: Reptilien und Amphibien, 1999) by Harold G. Cogger and Richard G. Zweifel . In 2005 she published the book Biodiversità in provincia di Prato in collaboration with Stefano Vanni and Elisabetta Fancelli . Vol. 1: Anfibi e rettili , in 2006 in collaboration with Stefano Vanni the museum publication Atlante degli Anfibi e dei Rettili della Toscana and in 2007 in collaboration with Benedetto Lanza and Stefano Vanni the work Iconografia degli anfibi d'Italia . She is also the author of numerous scientific and popular science publications and she is involved in various research projects funded by public institutions in Tuscany and the European Union .

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