Anne Eusterschulte

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Anne Eusterschulte (* 1964 ) is a German philosopher .


From 1983 she studied art and German for the teaching post secondary school in Kassel . After the first state examination in 1989 and the doctorate in 1995 as Dr. phil. from 1998 to 2000 she had a habilitation position at the University of Kassel . After completing her habilitation in May 2006 in philosophy at the Free University of Berlin , she has been teaching there since 2007 as professor for the history of philosophy at the Institute for Philosophy.

Her main areas of work are the philosophy of antiquity, the reception of antiquity in the history of philosophy, medieval philosophy, philosophy of the Renaissance and the early modern period, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science and the history of science, philosophy of the 18th century, ethics and aesthetics, rhetoric / poetics, practical philosophy - Political theory and social philosophy of the 20th century. and cultural philosophy and aesthetics of the present.

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