Annegret Lingenberg

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Annegret Lingenberg (* 1941 ) is a German Protestant theologian .

After a family phase, Lingenberg studied theology and was ordained the first female pastor in the honorary office of the Evangelical Church in Baden in 2000 . As a consultant for the denominational institute in Bensheim , she has dealt with Anglicanism in numerous publications . She was a district synodal, for twelve years a synodal of the Baden regional church and for 18 years a member of the EKD synod , where she chaired the European committee. In recognition of her decades of voluntary work, she received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon on December 5, 2012 from the Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann .

Lingenberg was married to the mathematician Rolf Lingenberg and has three children, including the musician and classical philologist Wilfried Lingenberg .

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