Annelies Herrmann

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Annelies Herrmann (born November 16, 1941 in Berlin ), b. Zechel , is a German politician ( CDU ) and was a member of the Berlin House of Representatives from 1989 to 2006 . She continues to be active in party politics and in the field of senior citizenship.

Annelies Herrmann was involved in Catholic youth work in her youth. From 1972 to 1997 she worked in the children's and youth department of Caritas in Berlin. In addition, she campaigned in various groups and associations for the interests of young and older people, the disabled and drug addicts.

In 2009 she was awarded the Berlin Badge of Honor. She has been the deputy state chairwoman of the Union-Hilfswerk since 2005. Since 2015 she has also been the district chairwoman of the Union-Hilfswerk in Berlin-Neukölln.

Annelies Herrmann was married to the deceased MP Dieter Herrmann (CDU), whose daughter is the district mayor of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Monika Herrmann (Greens).


  • Werner Breunig, Andreas Herbst (ed.): Biographical handbook of the Berlin parliamentarians 1963–1995 and city councilors 1990/1991 (= series of publications of the Berlin State Archives. Volume 19). Landesarchiv Berlin, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-9803303-5-0 , p. 181.

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