Annette Keck

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Annette Keck (* 1963 ) is a German Germanist and professor for gender studies , cultural theory and modern German literature at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .

After graduating from high school, Keck studied German and American studies at the University of Munich until 1991 and received her doctorate on Alfred Döblin's early prose in 1995 as a scholarship holder of the LMU graduate school “Gender Difference & Literature” .

From 1996 to 1997 she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Graduate School “Theory of Literature and Communication” at the University of Konstanz and from 1997 to 2000 as a research assistant at the University of Cologne .

In December 2003 she qualified as a professor at the Lise Meitner Scholarship of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and has been a professor at LMU since the 2004 summer semester. In the 2006 summer semester she was appointed to a full professorship at LMU.

Keck's research focuses on literary anthropology, gender and cultural studies as well as the literature of the Enlightenment, realism and modernity. Her current research project in collaboration with Ralph J. Poole (University of Fatih, Istanbul) is: 'Funny Ones. Gender Comedies Between Germany and America '.

Works (selection)

  • together with Dietmar Schmidt (ed.): Auto (r) erotik. Non-objective love as a literary project. Berlin 1994.
  • Avant-garde of lust. Authorship and sexual relation in Alfred Döblin's early prose. Munich 1998.
  • together with Inka Kording and Anja Prochaska (eds.): entwined borders. Anthropophagy in literature and cultural studies. Tubingen 1998.
  • together with Nicolas Pethes (ed.): Mediale Anatomien. Images of people as media projections. Bielefeld 2001.
  • Literal anatomies. Reading and Writing - Modern Literature Stories. Wuerzburg 2007.

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