Connection (film)

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In film art, connection describes the harmonious transition between two shots . Connection is often referred to with the English equivalent of continuity .

The connection must ensure that all the details match from one setting to the next. If this does not happen, it is called a connection error . Typical connection errors are changes in the position or posture of the actors, changes in clothing or equipment and jumps in the displayed time from one shot to the next. In action films one often observes that damage to vehicles or objects changes from take to take.

The problem of the connection arises because scenes of movies for the sake of efficiency not in the order turned to where they appear in the finished film. The order of the shoots is mostly determined by the availability of actors , locations, extras and other resources . Two scenes that follow one another in the finished film can therefore have been shot with a long time lag.

A typical problem is e.g. For example, the foam on beer glasses: The head of foam disintegrates over time and - even with the greatest care - cannot be reconstructed at will. Such problems mostly result - similar to those of the clock hands - from the fact that (especially with dialogues) a scene is shot one after the other from two camera perspectives or that if there is a slip of the tongue it has to be "re-shot".

In film productions, one person ( script / continuity ) is usually only entrusted with avoiding these mistakes. For this purpose, photos are usually made of scenes, after which props and the like when shooting the later subsequent scene. Ä. be arranged appropriately.

See also


  • Remigius Bunia: folds: fiction, storytelling, media. Verlag Erich Schmidt, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-503-09809-5 .