Antiochus V.

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Tetradrachm with the image of Antiochus V. Eupator.

Antiochus V Eupator (* around 173 BC; † 162 BC ) was a king of the Seleucid Empire . He was the son of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and his sister wife Laodike .

He was only nine years old when he died after his father's death in 164 BC. Was made king. The rule of his Regency Council under Lysias was powerless and corrupt. The attempt to bring the rebellion of Judas Maccabeus under control ended in a weak compromise. The province of Kommagene was permanently lost to the empire. The subservience of the government to the Roman Republic so heated the tempers in the Greek cities in Syria that the Roman envoy Gnaeus Octavius ​​was murdered in Laodikeia (162 BC).

At this critical moment Demetrios , the son of Seleucus IV , fled Rome , where he was held hostage, and was received in Syria as the true king. Antiochus V. Eupator was then killed.


predecessor Office successor
Antiochus IV. King of the Seleucid Empire
164–162 BC Chr.
Demetrios I.


  • Bible, Old Testament, 1st Maccabees 6: 17-7: 4; 2 Maccabees 10-13 .