Antoine Dim Delobsom

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Antoine Dim Delobsom (* 1897 in Sao, French Sudan , today in Burkina Faso , † July 13, 1940 ) was an official and author from the West African state of Burkina Faso.

Dim Delobsom came from the traditional ruling family of Sao, in today's Kourwéogo province . He worked as an official in the French colonial administration. and dealt with the culture of the Mossi . His works formed the basis for further research into the Mossi. He opposed colonial rule as well as the Christian missionaries. He later became the traditional ruler of Sao himself and died under unknown circumstances at the age of 43. Dim Delobsom is considered the country's first intellectual.


  • L'Empire du Mogho Naba 1932
  • Les Secrets des sorciers noirs 1934


  • Anne Piriou: Antoine Dim Delobsom, la mémoire d'une identité voltaique? In: Gabriel Massa, Georges Madiéga (eds.): La Haute-Volta coloniale. Témoignages, recherches, regards . Karthala, Paris 1995, ISBN 2-86537-480-7 , ( Hommes et sociétés ), pp. 547-556.

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