Antoinette IV

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Antoinette IV
Type: Sport plane
Design country:

FranceFrance France


Société Antoinette

First flight:

October 19, 1908



Number of pieces:


The Antoinette IV was a French monoplane from 1908.


Léon Levavasseur , the founder of Société Antoinette , designed the Antoinette IV as the first independent development. The trunk had a triangular cross-section. The hull structure consisted of ash and spruce wood and was planked with wood in the front area and covered with rubberized linen fabric in the rear area. The wings were trapezoidal and had a slight V-position .

The longitudinal axis control was a limited aileron control, whereby only one aileron could be deflected downwards so that this wing rose. The other aileron on the wing moving downwards remained without deflection. There was a cross tail at the stern .


The machine made its maiden flight on October 9, 1908 at Issy-les-Moulineaux airfield . One copy was exhibited at the Aero Salon in Paris. Further test flights followed in Issy with the pilot M. Welferinger. On December 23, 1908, he flew over the square several times at a height of eight meters. During a flight in a closed circle, it reached a speed of 75 km / h on December 26, 1908.

On July 19, 1909, Hubert Latham tried to fly over the English Channel with an Antoinette for the first time. Due to an engine failure, he had to make an emergency landing on the water. Since the aircraft was swimming, the pilot and machine from the French destroyer Harpon were salvaged.

Technical specifications

Parameter Antoinette IV
crew 1
length 11.46 m
span 12.80 m
height 2.99 m
Wing area 50 m²
Takeoff mass 590 kg
drive a water-cooled eight-cylinder V-engine Antoinette 8V with 36 kW (50 PS)
speed 70 km / h

See also


  • Enzo Angelucci, Paolo Matricardi: Airplanes from the beginnings to the 1st World War , Falken-Verlag.

Web links

Commons : Antoinette IV  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Christopher Chant: A Century of Triumph: The History of Aviation . Free Press, 2002, ISBN 978-0-7432-3479-5 . , Page 45
  2. Flight of January 2, 1909, p. 4
  3. Paolo Matricardi, Bilderlexikon der Flugzeug , p. 198.