Anton Estner

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Franz Joseph Anton Estner (* 1730 in Würzburg ; † January 14, 1801 in Vienna ) was a German Catholic clergyman who was active in the field of mineralogy .


Estner lived in Vienna and dealt with mineralogy. In Vienna he published an extensive introductory book on the subject, based on the results of Abraham Gottlob Werner . In this book he also dealt with fossils, which were called zooliths or phytolites. He divided the zooliths into tetrapodopliths, ichthyolites, conchites, madreporites, etc., and the phytoliths into dendrolites, among others.


  • Bold thoughts on Werner's improvements in mineralogy . Vienna 1790
  • An attempt at a mineralogy for beginners and enthusiasts according to the Bergcommissionsrath Werner's method . 3 volumes. Vienna 1794–1804


  • Helmuth Zapfe : Index Palaeontologicorum Austriae. Supplementum (= Catalogus fossilium Austriae issue 15a). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-7001-0948-2 , p. 161 ( PDF; 417 kB )