Antonio Barré

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Antonio Barré , also Antoine Barré and Antonio Barre , (* early 16th century in the diocese of Langres , † around 1579 in Rome ) was an Italian composer , church musician and music publisher of French origin.

life and work

Barré worked in 1552 as an alto at the Cappella Julia of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. He was a respected madrigalist in Rome.

In 1555 he founded his own music publishing company in Rome; he moved with this publisher to Milan in 1564. He published collections of four- and five-part madrigals and four-part motets through this publisher. These collections contain numerous pieces by Barré himself and other composers.


Works by Antonio Barré

  • I. / II. Libro delle Muse a 5 voci (1555–1557)
  • I. / II. / III. Libro delle Muse a 4 voci (1555, 1556, 1562)
  • Liber I. Missarum a 4 voci (1588)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Wilibald Gurlitt. 1959. Antonio Barré.