Antonius Liedhegener

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Antonius Liedhegener (* 1963 in Arnsberg , Westphalia ) is a German political scientist and contemporary historian. He is Professor of Politics and Religion at the Center for Religion, Economics and Politics (ZRWP) at the University of Lucerne (Switzerland).


Liedhegener studied history and Catholic theology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and at the University of Southampton . In 1996 he received his doctorate with the thesis "Christianity and Urbanization. Catholics and Protestants in Münster and Bochum 1830-1933". He then worked at the Institute for Political Science at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena , where he completed his habilitation in 2005. His habilitation thesis "Power, Morals and Majorities. Political Catholicism in the Federal Republic of Germany and the USA since 1960" was awarded the German Association for Political Science (DVPW) award in 2007 . After a substitute professor at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), he was appointed to the University of Lucerne in 2008, initially as assistant professor, and since 2012 as professor of politics and religion. In the fall semester of 2012 he was a fellow at the Max Weber College at the University of Erfurt. He is the chairman of the program management of the Joint Degree Master Religion - Economics - Politics (MA RWP).

Antonius Liedhegener researches and teaches politics and religion in liberal democracies and civil society, religion and social integration. Questions of empirical political theory and comparative political science as well as research on Catholicism and new and recent religious history are also among his fields of research. He was a founding member of the university's completed research focus “Religion and Social Integration in Europe (REGIE)” at the University of Lucerne. Funded by the Swiss National Fund (SNSF), he and Anastas Odermatt (Lucerne) research religious diversity in Europe as part of the Swiss Metadatabase of Religious Affiliation in Europe (SMRE) project.

Liedhegener is co-editor of two book series: "Politics and Religion" (Springer VS) and "Religion - Economy - Politics" (TVZ / Nomos). From 2006 to 2016 he was the spokesman for the DVPW working group "Politics and Religion". He is a member a. in the American Political Science Association (APSA), the German Association for Political Science (DVPW), the Görres Society for the Care of Sciences and the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR) as well as the Scientific Commission of the Commission for Contemporary History, Bonn ( KfZG), the Episcopal Working Group Europe of the German Bishops' Conference and the Advisory Board of the Catholic Social Science Center (KSZ). 

Publications (selection)

  • 1997 Christianity and Urbanization. Catholics and Protestants in Münster and Bochum 1830–1933
  • 2006 power, morals and majorities. Political Catholicism in the Federal Republic of Germany and the USA since 1960
  • 2011 Power and Influence of Religions. Theoretical foundations and empirical findings of the political system theory and political cultural research, in: Liedhegener, Antonius / Tunger-Zanetti, Andreas / Wirz, Stephan (eds.), Religion - Economy - Politics. Research access to a current transdisciplinary field (= religion - economy - politics, vol. 1) Baden-Baden - Zurich, pp. 241–273
  • 2012 The Christian Democratic Party Family, in: Jun, Uwe / Höhne, Benjamin (ed.), Party Families. Identifying your identity or just a label? (= Parties in theory and empiricism, vol. 2) Opladen - Berlin - Toronto, pp. 99–129. (in cooperation with Torsten Oppelland, Jena)
  • 2014 Religion, Civil Society and Pluralism. Social and political integration from the perspective of democratic political systems, in: Arens, Edmund (ed.), Integration through religion? Historical findings, social analyzes, legal perspectives (= religion - economy - politics, vol. 10) Baden-Baden - Zurich, pp. 63–84
  • 2014 secularization as dechurchification. Trends and business cycles in Germany from the middle of the 19th century to the present, in: Gabriel, Karl / Gärtner, Christel / Pollack, Detlef (eds.), Controversial Secularization. Sociological and historical analyzes to differentiate religion and politics, 2. durchges. and about a Reg. erg. Aufl., Berlin, pp. 481-531
  • 2014 The field of "religious politics" - an exploratory comparison of the Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland since 1990, in: Zeitschrift für Politik 61, vol. 2, 182–208
  • 2016 Religion in civil society, the public and politics in democratic political systems. Six case studies and a heuristic model of empirical political theory, in: Könemann, Judith / Wendel, Saskia (eds.), Religion, Public, Modern. Transdisciplinary perspectives, with the collaboration of Martin Breul, Bielefeld, 93–127
  • 2016 Politics and Religion in Comparative Political Science, in: Lauth, Hans-Joachim / Kneuer, Marianne / Pickel, Gert (ed.), Handbuch Comparative Political Science, Wiesbaden 2016, 747–766 doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-658-02993 -7_56-1 (pdf)
  • 2016 Integration potential of religion and civil society. Theoretical and empirical findings (together with Edmund Arens and Martin Baumann )
  • 2017 Controversial religious affiliation. Europe's religious plurality between familiar categories and new religious identities, in: Arens, Edmund (ed.), Religious Identities and Social Integration (= Religion - Economy - Politics, Vol. 18) Wiesbaden - Zurich, 69-104 (together with Anastas Odermatt , Lucerne). 

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