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Aperetiset in hieroglyphics
Late Period /
Greco-Roman Period
Aa20 D21
Q1 t C9

(Aperet iset)
ˁpr.t ꜣs.t
those who furnish the throne

Aperetiset is a goddess of Egyptian mythology who had her main place of worship in the Upper Egyptian city ​​of Achmim .

She was depicted wearing the Hathor headdress and occasionally a high crown of feathers. In Achmim she formed a divine triad in the late and Greco-Roman times together with Min and Kolanthes or Horus . Since the goddess Triphis was also considered the "mother of Kolanthes", she merged with her to "Aperetiset in the moon house".

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Erika Feucht : Aperetiset. In: Wolfgang Helck (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Ägyptologie (LÄ). Volume I, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1975, ISBN 3-447-01670-1 , Sp. 335-336.