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Kolanthes (also "Kolanthes, the child" Egypt. QrnDA-pA-Xrd, Greek Κολάνθης) is a child god from the late period of the ancient Egyptian religion . It is documented since the second century BC in the circle of the gods of Achmim (Greek Panopolis) in the 9th Upper Egyptian Gau .

Relief of the child god Kolanthes in the Athribis temple

Divine family

As part of the mainly in the Late Period forming gods triads in the constellation father-mother-child turned Kolanthes the son of the revered in the room Akhmim family of gods. In the father role of God acted min , or min-Re. His mother was the goddess Aperetiset in the temple of Achmim and the goddess Repit (Greek Triphis) in the temple of Athribis (Menu ).

In the temple of Achmim, Kolanthes could also be equated with the most important child god, Horus , as Kolanthes could generally be described as the "son of Osiris and Isis ", the divine parents par excellence.

Places of worship and written evidence

The cult places of Kolanthes are north and south of Achmim. In the quarries of Gebel Sheikh el-Haridi and Ptolemais Hermeiou (Arabic: Menschijeh) there are demotic rock inscriptions mentioning Kolanthes. Further sources are a stele inscribed with hieroglyphics from the time of the Roman emperor Hadrian , the recently developed extensive inscriptions from the temple of Athribis (menu) (see also Athribis project ) and Greek inscriptions.


The hieroglyphic and demotic spellings of the name "Kolanthes" are very inconsistent. It can be assumed that the god is not of Egyptian origin.

In the Greek inscriptions the name Κολάνθης, Κολάνθας or Κολάνθος is written. The demotic spelling can be reproduced with QrnDA (after the Manuel de Codage ).

In the inscriptions of the temple of Athribis there are different hieroglyphic inscriptions in the different scenes.

Fully executed writings

Scene C 2, 31 2b :

q F20
A. Z1 A17

Scenes C 1, 70 2 ; C 1. 74 3 ; C 3, 15 2 ; C 3, 17 2 :

q F20

Scenes C 3, 16 2 ; C 5.57 2 ; C 5, 67 2 :

q F20

Abbreviated spelling

Scenes C 1, 41 1 ; C 1, 51 1 ; C 5, 5 2


Shortened spelling as "Kolanthes, the child"

Scene E 2, 4 7 :

A17 A17 p


  • Hans Bonnet : Real Lexicon of Egyptian Religious History. de Gruyter, Berlin 1952, 3rd unchanged edition, reprint, De Gruyter, Berlin 2010 ISBN 978-3-11-082790-3 , p. 379.
  • Jan Quaegebeur : Kolanthes. In: Wolfgang Helck (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Ägyptologie (LÄ). Volume 3, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, ISBN, Sp. 671–672.
  • Lexicon of the Egyptian gods and names of gods . Volume 8: Register (= Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta. Volume 129). Peeters, Leuven 2003, ISBN 90-429-1376-2 , p. 684 ( limited online version ).
  • Rafed El-Sayed, Yahya El-Masry (Eds.): Athribis I. General Site Survey 2003-2007. Archaeological & Conservation Studies. The Gate of Ptolemy IX. Architecture and Inscriptions (= Publications de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Volume 1010). Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 2012, ISBN 978-2-7247-0529-4 .
  • Christian Leitz, Daniela Mendel, Yahya El-Masry: Athribis II. The temple of Ptolemy XII .: The inscriptions and reliefs of the sacrificial halls, the gallery and the sanctuary 3 volumes (= Publications de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Volume 1016). Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 2010, ISBN 978-2-7247-0539-3 .
  • Christian Leitz, Daniela Mendel: Athribis III. The eastern access rooms and side chapels as well as the stairs to the roof and the rear rooms of the temple of Ptolemy XII. 2 volumes, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, Cairo 2017.
  • Christian Leitz, Daniela Mendel: Athribis IV. Handling L 1 to L 3. 2 volumes, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, Cairo 2017.

Single receipts

  1. Counting of the scenes according to Christian Leitz, Daniela Mendel, Yahya El-Masry: Athribis II. The temple of Ptolemy XII .: The inscriptions and reliefs of the sacrificial rooms, the gallery and the sanctuary 3 volumes, Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 2010, ISBN 978-2-7247-0539-3 .
  2. Counting the scenes according to Christian Leitz, Daniela Mendel: Athribis III. The eastern access rooms and side chapels as well as the stairs to the roof and the rear rooms of the temple of Ptolemy XII. 2 volumes, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, Cairo 2017.