Apologie de la secte Anandryne

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Apologie de la secte Anandryne, ou Exhortation d'une jeune tribade is the title of a pornographic publication first published in 1784.

The writing allegedly represents the copy of a speech given by the actress Françoise Marie Antoinette Saucerotte in 1778 , in which the statutes and rites of a lesbian-erotic, secret society, the “Anandrynischen” (Greek “manless”) tribadic sect, are explained. The speaker is aimed primarily at women of upper class, especially aristocratic circles, and encourages them to discover the joys of same-sex love.

Bust of Mademoiselle Françoise Raucourt (1756–1815) by Pajou .

The apology first appeared in 1784 in the tenth volume of the pornographic magazine L'Espion anglais, published in London, and was particularly reprinted during the revolutionary period , for example in 1793 as Anandria, ou Confession de Mlle Sappho, élève de la Gourdan, sur sa réception dans la secte anandryne and 1793 under the title La Nouvelle Sappho, ou Histoire de la secte anandryne, (Imprimerie de P.-F. Didot , Paris 1793). The enfer of the French National Library holds at least two prints of the Apology, the publisher of which is Mathieu-François Pidansat de Mairobert .

The fictional character of the apology was subsequently often misunderstood and the actual existence of such a secret society was asserted, for example in Jean de Reuilly's Raucourt biography La Raucourt et ses amies (1909).


  • Mademoiselle Sappho: Confession of a Young Girl (=  Goldmann-Taschenbuch . No. 6017 ). Goldmann, Munich 1981, ISBN 3-442-06017-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A Checklist of Additions to the Enfer erotica collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale ( Memento of the original of January 21, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Siglen 2011 and 2505. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / scissors-and-paste.net