Apostle (shipbuilding)

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In shipbuilding, apostle refers to bentwoods or bow sections of historic wooden sailing ships .

These bow pieces or bentwoods are the frames that are close to one another in the bow and are located on both sides of the fore steved .

Some sources see the term closely linked to Dutch ships ( Dutch : apostelen ), while others also associate it with Italian ( Italian : apostoli ) and French ( French : apostres or apôtres ) ships.

Notes / evidence

  1. after Schweizer
  2. after Meyer
  3. after Bobrick
  4. Schweizer, Pierer
  5. after Bobrick
  6. to Saggau
  7. after Fincham

Literature / sources

  • Johann Conrad Schweizer: Dictionary for explaining foreign words and idioms taken from other languages ​​into German (...), p. 64, Zurich, 1811
  • Heinrich August Pierer: Universal Lexicon of the Present and Past, 2nd edition, p. 230, Altenburg, 1840
  • Meyer´s conversation lexicon for the educated classes, 3rd volume, p. 454, Hildburghausen, 1842,
  • Eduard Bobrik: General nautical dictionary with explanations, p. 58,
  • Heinrich Saggau: The names of the ship parts and ship equipment in New French, 1905
  • John Fincham: An Introductory Outline of the Practice of Ship-building, Wiliam Woodward, Portsmouth, 1825