Apparatewerk Bayern

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Apparatewerk Bayern GmbH
legal form Company with limited liability
founding 1951
resolution 1956
Seat Dachau , Germany
Branch Consumer electronics

The cameras work Bayern GmbH , often short AWB was one in Dachau based manufacturer of phono technical products. The company existed from 1951 to 1956.


After the Second World War, Telefunken's production facilities were largely located in the Soviet zone of occupation . In autumn 1945 Telefunken resumed the production of radio sets in the renovated and expanded barracks of the Dachau concentration camp . However, conditions imposed by the occupying powers, bottlenecks in the procurement of parts and the general economic situation ensured that the company was not a great success. A large part of the workforce was laid off as early as 1949, and in 1951 production was finally completely relocated to Hanover .

1951 to 1956

With the support of the Bavarian state, the Apparatewerk Bayern was founded on the site, which initially manufactured devices such as the electronic organ Polychord , to whose development Harald Bode contributed to the development of electronic musical instruments , the tape recorder Ferrochord and amplifier technology. In 1953, AWB signed a contract with Neckermann Versand to supply radio equipment. A "piano key super with FM, medium and long wave section" developed together with Neckermann and sold for DM 187 was "the sensational sales success that made the Neckermann name known to the general public beyond the company's refugee and rural residents".

In the following year, however, Neckermann replaced AWB with Körting , which was also able to offer television sets, as a house supplier for radio sets. The survivability of AWB was no longer guaranteed and in 1956 the production facilities were taken over by Grundig .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Handel / Neckermann: Catalogs against cartels , Der Spiegel, October 26, 1955