ar-Raschid (Abbasids)

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ar-Raschid Billah ( Arabic أبو جعفر المنصور بن الفضل المسترشد الراشد بالله, DMG Abu Ǧaʿfar al-Manṣūr b. al-Faḍl al-Mustarsid ar-Rāšid bi-'llāh ; † 1138 in Isfahan ; Also al-Rashid ) was the thirtieth Caliph of the Abbasid (1135-1136).

Abu Dscha'far al-Mansur ibn al-Fadl al-Mustarschid ar-Raschid bi-'llah succeeded his father al-Mustarshid (1118-1135) in Baghdad in 1135 . However, Seljuk Sultan Mas'ud ibn Muhammad did not agree to this succession in Persia . Although ar-Rashid had allied himself with the Bedouins in Iraq , he was defeated and deposed by the Seljuks in 1136. Al-Muqtafi was enthroned as the new caliph (1136–1160). Ar-Rashid tried in vain to regain the throne, but was murdered in 1138 by a Shiite on Pol-e Scharestan in Isfahan.

predecessor Office successor
Al-Mustajid Abbasid Caliph