Arabia Deserta

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French "Map of the Three Arabia" by Nicolas Sanson, created around 1654.

Arabia Deserta , also called Arabia Magna , was the Latin name that was previously used for the northern, especially the northeastern Arabian Peninsula , an area that roughly coincides with today's northern Saudi Arabia and Mesopotamia and the Roman at that time Bordered Syria Province .

Arabia Deserta was, along with Arabia Felix and Arabia Petraea , one of the three divisions of the Arabian Peninsula by the Roman Empire .


The Latin adjectives “[D] eserta” or “[M] agna” mean “abandoned, uninhabited; desert-like 'or' large '.


In the 18th chapter The wild man, with great luck and a lot of money, is again released from the rogue play The adventurous Simplicissimus by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen from 1668, the protagonist Simplicius, who is on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, is captured by Arab robbers in Egypt. The robbers take the long-haired, bearded and barefoot Simplicius away and clothe him "to shame with a nice kind of moss".

[...] in this way they led me around as a wild man in the towns and cities on the Red Sea and let me see for money, pretending that they had found me in Arabia deserta, far from all human habitation, and got me prisoner .


Individual evidence

  1. Zeno: Dictionary entry Latin-German on "desertus". Karl Ernst Georges: Detailed ... Accessed June 20, 2020 .
  2. Zeno: Dictionary entry Latin-German on "magnus". Karl Ernst Georges: Detailed ... Accessed June 20, 2020 .